Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Self evaluate!

It is amazing how when you go to COnference the inspiration you get every time you go... you might here the same sort of message but you always get something new from it all the time... The biggest thing that I came from it was self evaluation and looking at what type of person you are.  One of them said "We have to do lists, but we never seem to have to be lists!"  I totally like that .. A TO BE LIST.....

Maybe we should all look close and ourselves and make to be lists to try and better ourselves!!

I really think that the person i am is 100% better then who I was! You know that its not good when you look back and say "I hope my son never sees me the way I used to be!" I am glad that everyone can change no matter what! Everyone can do it if they want it bad enough!! Your not going to change if you have one foot in the door of your past.... It is sometimes hard to get rid of your past..... IT ALWAYS seems to pop up! BUT as long as it just stays in the past and you dont have a relaps and go back to that way of life well then you will be ok and get through this!

Self Evaluate.... Take a look at the person in the mirror and ask yourself...... Do I like the person I see???

There is no point in lying becoz at the end of the day the only person your fooling is yourself!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think my ultra ego is Psychotic

Everything is fine.... happy as can be.  Smiling, being nice and just having a lovely day.......

*pushing buttons, being nasty, continuely jumping down my thoat*


#$%& OFF...... want to scream and punch someone in the face

*breath & calm down*

Lets try this again......

Smiling .... trying to be nice..... having an ok day

*push.... push ...... blah blah blah...... snap*

Really do you want me to scream and swear and carry on bcoz your making me feel really Pi$$ed off right now!!!!

*calm breath*    *a person can only take so much*   * push them to far and you never know what might happen*   *Everyone has limits*    *don't push those limits*    

Moral of the story........... Don't push someone to the edge and expect them to react calm and collect..... Expect the same attitude your given......... Maybe they will surprise you and try to kepp there cool but they can only take so much ..... when you push the boundries... well..... then maybe the psychotic ultra ego will come out and it wont be so pretty!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My rant for the day!

SO i feel that some people are trying to put me on this guilt trip. Liek things are my fault and Im responsible for the way other people feel... But all I see is selfish people... seeing what they want to see and not taking responsibilties for their actions. Actions speak louder then words... you say one thing and do another... Dont make me feel guilty if your not actually meaning any of it!

Judgemental people... I am mending my ways and trying to not be in the catagory! Peoplae have no place to judge.... when you are trying to give advice about someone and telling people... hey dont hang out with that person... just because you have an issue with them... thats being judgemental.

I understand that some people have good intentions and are trying to change and eveyone has the right to change... I know I have.... so I will give people the benefit of the doubt! We should all do the same!

I dont know exactly what Im trying to say or what This is really about... I guess thats why it is called a rant!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ups and Downs

I hate not knowing where I stand with people.  AM I on the good side, bad side, Loving side...... I would so prefer people to be straight with me so Im not on the roller coaster called the "I Have no Freaking clue right now Whats going on" ride!!! SOOO  NOT fun... and I like roller coasters!!!

I hate doing things and planning things like crazy and then others take credit for my work!!! Bugs the HELL out of me!!!

I hate saying I will do things and then not get a chance to do it!!!

I hate missing people .... I wish I could just put everyone I know in one country and we all live happily in ONE country so we can see each other when ever we feel like it!!

LOVE the people that have helped me and inspired me.... lifted me when I was down instead of kicking me. Given me advise I will keep in my heart forever and love that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

Love my Family for being those people ..... for all the support they give me on a daily basis..... just being their own unique and wonderful selves!!

Love my Friends especially my close ones who have helped me through tuff times and have stuck by me no matter what!!! (you know who you are) :)

Be straight with me and I will be straight with you...... BE kind and I'll be kind back...... Hurt me and I will try and turn the other Cheek (you'll have to give me time though but I will get around)...... Be friends and Family and I will keep you in my heart forever!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thoughts Of The Day

I think about life and how the past is always there in the back of our mind... haunting us..... luring us back.... question is... do I want to go back???

WE do things that we do not like. That we are not proud of. That we are ashamed of. BUT the past made us the way we are today. If we didnt go through the things we did we wouldnt be the people we are now. I may hate the things that I have done but because of my past I can help others avoid the things that I went through. I can help them and hopefully advise them to avoid leading lives that I know they dont want.  The thing is I can give advise, I can be a friend, I can try and help in every way but at the end of the day its those around me that has a say in what they do with their lives and at the end of the day they have the final say.  I on the other hand have a choice... a choice to either walk away or help... ME persoanlly I choice to stick by... To try and help even after they have made the choice and will be there friend no matter what.

BUT My advise is .... Forget the past... you cant control what you have done.... you cannot change it... so move on and try and make life better then it was in the past and try not make the same mistakes in your future. Because if you keep dwelling on the past ... keep dwelling on what you cannot change ... you will fall.... if you walk backwards how can you see what is infront of you.... if you keep looking in the past behind you how can you see the good things in your life... how can you see the potential and the chance you have to change. If you keep looking back you will eventually just go back to the old ways and old way of thinking.. question is do you want that to happen???

"The past is history. The Future is a mystery. Today is a gift that is why its called the present."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


1) People starting a fight with me, getting me angry and then making it out like I started it in the first place!
* Like of course Im going to look like Im fighting if I look like Im ready to punch someone..... but hello you put me in this mood in the first place!!!!

2) Doing things and thinking Im helping and then people point out not what I have done but what I havnt!
*You know I always try to help especially if I think that people need help.... Im feeling all good about it then BAM.... WHY didnt you do that???...... GRRRRRRR

3) When I miss doing something just a few times... people really point out were I have dropped the ball and forget all the times I helped.
*No body is perfect .... not every mom can do everything all the time and have the place looking like no body lives in it....everything in the right place... I try but Im human!!!

4) People seeing me in a negative light!
* I know Im not perfect.... I know I have flaws but Im not a bad person so I dont like when people treat me like I am!

5) People treating me like Im stupid!
* I am no academically smart but Im not STUPID... so dont talk to me like I am

6) People telling me what to do...
* Ask me... dont tell me.... Ill help you.... but if you want my help Il do it in my time and my way.

7) Pregnant people smoking and drinking!
* If you want to do that stuff fine but cant you control yourself for 9mnths just while your pregnant or are you that selfish! If you want to kill yourself thats fine but dont harm your baby too.

8) People touching my feet..... not just anytime..... but to wake me up!
* People touching my feet to wake me up drives me crazy you can touch my arm, leg, face anything WHY the FEET!!!

9) People grinding their teeth
* Some people say that I did it when I was younger I have no memory of that so it never happened... but that is soooooooooooooooo annoying! Joey does it sometimes and OH MY WORD.... it is like nails on a chalk board

10) People who tell me how to drive!
* I know I can drive maybe not the way you want me to but I can drive..... have you seen the other idiots on the road..... if you think Im as bad as that your CRAZY!

Monday, February 21, 2011

We are in charge of how to act. We are in charge of how we react. We are in charge of how we feel. We are in charge of how people see us. WE are in FULL control of ourselves.... SO.... if we are down, depressed, miserable, disappointed, well the only one that can change how we feel is ourselves!!! WE are the ones that make our lives BRILLIANT or TERRIBLE we just need to decide which one we want.  I think that we tend to see life in a negative way its tuff when negative things are happening in our lives but even if it is we still need to be positive, upbeat and happy otherwise we wollow in self pity and wollow in our own misery.... yeah ok sometimes thats all we want to do, and yeah I have totally done that... but does it help??? NO! Does it help you feel better??? NO! SO why do we make that an option???

I have to say I could of seriously gone off the deep end with everything that has happened in my life but again where would that have gotten me??? Would that have helped??? NO WHERE!!! AND NO!!!
When you are a parent you cant just do what ever, you have a little person counting on you to be strong and be there for them so going off the deep end and being a totally physco would not help you or your child... if anything it would make matters 100% times worse!!!

You think about things too..... You wonder when your a single mom... I can do this.... I can handle this 100% .... any single parent is lying if they say they have everything under control.... It is just not possible! You always need that help. Always need that support. I am grateful enough to have my parents but lets be realistic you cant live with your parents forever! You need that mother and father to give that child balance. I mean a MOTHER and FATHER.... PARENTS.... HUSBAND and WIFE.... to have that balance and security for your child. Mothers can teach children only so much and fathers teach them the other things that mothers have no experience in what so ever. Mother is there to nuture and give guidance. Fathers are there to provide and protect and give counsel. ALSO the whole parents just living together and not getting married is a load of crap.. I have already had a rant about it but since Im on the subject again I'll say it again... The reason people dont get married is becoz its an easy way out if things dont work out.... If you truely love each other then marriage should not be feared.... if you want that sercurity for your children then again MARRIAGE SHOULD NOT BE FEARED. I know I know Im single but that is because I stuck to my choice of wanting to get married.... others disagreed. AGAIN ONE MORE TIME IF YOU DIDNT HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME......... IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF MARRIAGE THEN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EASY WAY OUT BECOZ YOU ARE UNSURE THAT THE REALTIONSHIP WILL LAST!   Thats MY views I totally understand that people will have an issue with that statement but Im not forcing you to think the way I do.... I respect other peoples opinions so I think mine should be respceted to! BUT you know what I know its true because I know soooooooo many people that have been all "happy" with their guys and then girls get pregnant and BAM dude is like "SEE YA" GONE! Which brings me to another point SOME guys ( I say some because I not going to brush all guys with the same brush), but SOME guys love the title of DAD.... but NO responsibilties! They are to busy thinking about how this effecting them while forgetting that their is more then them involved in the equation! I think marriage just shows how much people truely love one another and give that security to their children... And all those that say " I dont need a piece of paper to prove my love" Then my question is ... If its just a piece of paper then whats the big deal of getting married??? Why do people fear it??? because they doubt the relationship will last and they want a way out and dont want to deal with a messy divoirce!!

But back to what I was talking about before my little rant.... POSITIVE THINKING!!!! The way we think is the difference between being happy and sad. BUT JUST DO IT!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Phone call to God

So this new thing that is on the news is about people calling in their confessions!  Like this is taking things to a whole new level of crazy.... I know that the Cathloic Church is saying that they are not associated with this new thing but holy cow do they get a lot of crazy or bad press... from the Pope at one point stating the the Simpsons are Catholic to naughty priest and now phoning in confessions.  On one news article it said that since this things has happened less people have come to church and more have called in their confessions... People have found it convient and fits in with their crazy lifestyles.

BUT... think about it..... are we to busy for church??? Now a days less and less people are interested in God and religion.  They say I am 100% Catholic or 100% Jewish Or 100% Mormon..... but how many of them actually practice their religion... I know at one point I didn't.... So how many of us out there actually practices our religion???  Do we say we are such a religion because we actually believe in what we are or do we say that we are such a religion because well out of tradition or that simply what my family is so I guess I'm that too.  Do we really have a strong comformation that "THIS IS MY CHURCH  I KNOW ITS TRUE" or are you "well i guess its my church I guess what they saying is sort of true"  I know for me personally I grew up being in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all my life but never really got to know for myself until in my 20's and only then did I know for myself.

I have to say when you look at the world today it has seriously changed from what it used to be... For example take the Catholic Church ( I know it might seem like I'm picking on the Catholic Church but I'm not its merely for example sake) .... back in the day Ireland was a strong Cathloic country everyone went to mass everyone listened to their Priests and did confession and that was that.  The priest say do not have sex before marriage, do not sin, do what you are told and as I said everyone went to mass no questions asked... now a days.... well marriage... whats that.... sin.... havnt a clue... Mass well I go to mass (at Christmas and Easter), confession I can call it in on the phone and Priest well hes the dude that said "I dont know coz i wasnt at mass"  In general religion is just not big anymore.... That is with every religion..... You can see more and more people doing things that the world does to fit in and blend in with the crowd, people are afraid to be different and to stand out. 

But if you look at what happened in the past you can understand why people dont want to stand out of the crowd:

Catholic Church: associated with peodophilia.... do you want to be associated with that and killed by the English???
Jews: Where chased and killed and treated like dirt.... why would they want that to happen to them???
Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: persicuted and killed and got treated like rubbish got banished from their homes got tard and feathered because of what we believed... would we want that to happen to us???
Muslims: Because a few crazy muslims go around killing people and being terrorists then all get painted with the same brush and get called a terrorist.... would they want that????

At some point every religion was put under the fire and were tormented and punished for what they believe... is this the reason why this generation is so quiet about what they believe???  I think it has some part to play... I think some people think well why do I want to stand out and get bullied for what I believe when I can blend in with the crowd and fit in.... I know I did that at one point..... But then you think about the other side.... All those people stood strong and got tormented and killed because they stood up for thier beliefs!!  Should we not do the same.... I say yes!!! I think that if we truely believe in something we would die for what we believe in... I personally would rather die then deny what I believe in.... it might sound extreme but can someone really honestly say that about what they believe????

Friday, January 28, 2011

Eating Disorders

  • An estimated 10 per cent of female college students suffer from a clinical or sub-clinical (borderline) eating disorder, of which over half suffer from bulimia nervosa.
  • An estimated 1 in 100 American women binges and purges to lose weight.
  • Approximately 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorder.
  • 15 per cent of young women have significantly disordered eating attitudes and behavior.
  • It is estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 Canadian women aged 13 to 40 have anorexia nervosa and twice as many have bulimia.
  • Studies suggest that 5 to 10 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are males.
  • An estimated 1 in 3 of all dieters develop compulsive dieting attitudes and behaviors.
    Of these, one quarter will develop full or partial eating disorders.
  • In the UK, nearly 2 in every 100 secondary school girls suffer from anorexia nervosa,
    bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.
  • Due to the incidence of co-occurring medical conditions, it is almost impossible to specify the morbidity rates for eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. However, general estimates suggest that as many as 10-15 per cent of eating disorders are fatal for those affected.
  • Each day Americans spend an average of $109 million on dieting and diet related products.
  • In a study of children aged 8-10, approximately 50 per cent of girls said they were unhappy with their size.
  • In a study of girls aged 9-15, more than 50 per cent claimed they exercised to lose weight, nearly 50 per cent claimed they reduced food intake in order to lose weight, and approximately 5 per cent claimed to use their parents' diet pills or laxatives in order to lose weight.
As I read through these It is scary how young girls and guys see themselves.  Many young people today are all about what they weigh... Now don't get me wrong I have been through that phase to ... It is something we all go through but we need to find out what is the root cause of our eating disorders....But I think it will always be a mystery!

 Anorexia is supposedly because that person does not want to get fat or loose control of there eating habits.....Yes we must all be health consience but dont take it to the extreme of these PRO ANA people were they incourage one another to eat as little as possible like an apple a day and then scould themselves for eating anything more then that.... I have seen pictures of these poor girls and I know they have a mental problem and think they look beautiful but they literally look like walking skeletons I feel so sorry for them and all I want to do is give them a hug and say "Hey dont do this to yourself your killing youself slowly and your worth more then this". 

For binge eaters..... Heck I binge eat every now and then because Im a chocoholic but I eat healthy too and exercise is important to to keep balanced and so you dont get over weight but remember keep it down!! When you binge eat so much food and then get sick do you know how bad it is on your stomach ... its like streching a rubber band and then releasing is over and over again and soon that rubber band will snap and break and that is what is happening to your stomach... ITS NOT GOOD!!!

I think the huge contributer of eating disorders are these celebrities who get super skinney and magazines who have skinney chicks on the front cover.... It is saying to young girls "This is what you have to look like for you to be hot and sexy" "This is what you have to look like for guys to like you"  I say Bull!!!  HAlf those chicks are air brushed.... have you heard of Photo Shop... HELLO!!  It is scary to see how young girls are now that have eating disorders... as early as 8.... like hello these girls are still kids they shouldnt be worried about there weight they should be having fun with there friends in the park and stuff like that. Little girls dont worry about your weight you are still young and your body has not developed properly.

I also saw these t.v series where these people fed there loved ones so they would get fat.. I term they used to call them were FEEDERS...  Have you noticed that most of those feeders are skinney people!!!  If they love fat people so much why dont they risk there health and become fat themselves?!?!?! 

The key is... Eat healthy, Exercise and be happy with your body.....

 I know easier said then done!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pornography Debate

"Pornography has become a serious problem in our society. The effects of pornography have resulted in an increase of sexual abuse and exploitation of children and women, broken marriages and families, and an increase in violent crimes and addictive behaviors.

President Gordon B. Hinckley has stated: "Pornography, with its sleazy filth, sweeps over the earth like a horrible, engulfing tide. It is poison. Do not watch it or read it. It will destroy you if you do. It will take from you your self-respect. It will rob you of a sense of the beauties of life. It will tear you down and pull you into a slough of evil thoughts and possibly evil actions. Stay away from it. Shun it as you would a foul disease, for it is just as deadly" - (

Reasons I personally don't like pornography:

1: It makes girls think that you have to look and be a certain way for guys to see you not only sexually attractive but attractive.  Girs think the easiest way to get any where in the world is by get naked, they think that its the quickest way to get attention and noticed... It is very degrading.

2: People take advantage of children and exploit them to fill fantasies of seriously disturbed individuals!!!

3: Men get addicted to porn and it distroys marriages... Men want the wives to be a certain way and look and act a certain way and get dissapointed when those expectations arnt met and women feel depressed becoz the men want to look at other women. It is totally understandable I would feel like crap if my guy couldnt get all the satisfaction he needs from me and has to go stare at other chicks to feel his needs.

4: Its just degrading and makes the world to used to that sort of enviroment.

I read in an article that the most addictive thing is junk food, herione and porn...I feel sorry for those people that have an addiction to it and want to get away from it, my advice... Go to they have programs to help with that sort of thing and also you need to make that firm choice in your mind that you want to change... because if your on the fence about it then your not going to be able to give it up.. just like drinking and smoking.  Again... just my point of view on the matter.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It is so scary to see how big Pedophilia is throughout the world.  "Child abuse is a heinous crime. Children are among the greatest gifts of God, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that children should be lovingly nurtured and protected. We abhor and condemn child abuse or mistreatment of any type." (

In Ireland Pedophilia is still very common. 89% of perpetrators were known to their victims... That is a very frightening statistic!  A huge problem in Ireland is child abuse by Priests in the Catholic church.  My question is how did the Priest's get away with it for so long and why did higher Bishops cover it up??? 
i understand that maybe they didn't want the Catholic name being tarnished but I think that the fact that they did not report these crimes made their Priest look even worse and I think that Priest's thought that if one of the other Priests could get away with going it then so could they and thats why there are so many accounts of rape amoung them.

Asia has a huge problem with child trafficing.... I think that these people that hold these children hostage like that should be locked in jail and they should throw away the key.... I feel sorry for these childrens parents not knowing where they are.  Not knowing the things they have to go through.  These children don't get to be children.... when you have to deal with incidents like that you have to learn to grow up quickly and a child that age should not have to grow up in that way and in that circumstance.

Another thing that I consider Pedophilia.... but Organisied Pedophilia is not only Catholic Preists but also in Middle East and North Africa and in other parts of Africa where young girls as early as the age of 12 are forced to marry way older men, men they don't even know or love... I think this is terrible because these girls do not have the oppotunity to have a normal teen life and they are not able to experience LOVE in the proper sense....what they feel for these men is not love.. its "love".... they dont even know them how can they love them! They are also forced to have children at such a young age which is traumatising for a normal women let alone a young girl whos body is far from ready to go through child birth.

One thing I do not agree with is older teens thinking its cool to have sex with older men and when parents or other authority figures get involved all of a sudden its rape...  In those cases These older teens need to stop abusing the system.

I think it is brilliant how in America you can go online and find out how many sex offenders are in your area I think more Countries should have this system... Just so they know..... you can not hide we know where you are!!!

What Im saying is Pedophilies are going to have to pay the price for they things they do..... All I'm saying is I would not like to be in their shoes when Judgement day comes!

Friday, January 14, 2011


After doing my blog on Athiests one of the comments were about eliminating people....  I would never ever want to eliminate anyone and I dont know how anyone could think that eliminating people is right... We watched recently the movie "The Courage Heart of Irena" it was about a Polish lady who saved 2500 jews children and how she did that... I think she was such a wonderful person!!! When we were watching that movie I asked my mom how anyone could do that to so many people even innocent children and she said that Hilter was a very convincing dude... and he convinced a lot of people.... she also said that if we were in that time and lived there would we support Hilter.... If I lived there Hilter would have needed to be VERY convincing but I hope that I could have been like that courages women and help those in need. 

I dont think that people have the right to take other people lives into their own hands.  Now I am not saying that I am against countries defending their nation and countries defending nations in need that cant defend themselves.  What I dont agree with is is things like Nazi's or the incident in Johnstown where they did a mass suicide with coolaid and things like that.... I just do not agree with things like that....

Now is it just me that thinks this is crazy??? I know there are people out there that think killing people for their own agenda is jusitfied just like that dude that shot so many innocent people in Arizona.... I guess we will never know what really goes on in their minds that says "yes it is ok to do something like that", I guess I will never quite understand people like that! OTher kinds of people that I would never quite understand is suicide bombers I just dont understand how they think that doing that will make the world a better place... If they want to sort issues out and get their point across how is killing innocent people going to make people understand... its just going to make people hate you and your religion since your doing it for those reasons.  Sometimes I dont think people really think things through, and if they do then they really dont care about the concequences of there actions... that or they just dont care which is stupid because they arnt thinking about the future generations and how its going to impact their lives and future.

People just think about what your doing...not all angry thought need to be acted out.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


God does not believe in Atheist's..... I saw this on a guys t-shirt at an airport when we were coming here to South Africa... It got me thinking of how big atheism actually is.  On Wikipedia this is what it has to say:

A November–December 2006 poll published in the Financial Times gives rates for the United States and five European countries. It found that Americans are more likely than Europeans to report belief in any form of god or supreme being (72%). Only 4% of the American surveyed considered themselves "atheists", while the rates in the European countries surveyed were higher: Italy (7%), Spain (11%), Great Britain (17%), Germany (20%), and France (32%). An official European Union survey provides corresponding figures: 18% of the EU population do not believe in a god; 27% affirm the existence of some "spirit or life force", while 52% affirm belief in a specific god. The proportion of believers rises to 65% among those who had left school by age 15; survey respondents who considered themselves to be from a strict family background were more likely to believe in a god than those who felt their upbringing lacked firm rules.

I was actually shocked to see how high atheism is in Europe... It made me wonder why... is it because people in Europe were persucuted for their beliefs... such as the Jews???  I dont know for sure but it makes you think.

I have to admit I feel sorry for people who dont have any beliefs.... if you dont beileve in God... why are we here??? what is the point of us being here and what is the point in life??? If i didnt have God in my life I would find life very meaningless...  I know that there is people out there trying to prove that god does not exist.... My opinion is.... if you dont believe in God why are you trying so hard to prove he doesnt exist.... if you knew for curtain that he didnt exist you would stop looking.... but you dont know for sure so that is why you are still looking for reasons to prove it wrong.  Dont you hate it when Im right!

I think atheists know that there is something out there... something to live for and that all the stories that you were told are true.... reason you choose not to believe is because you want to live your life without accounting for your actions.  You want to play dumb and say.. I didnt know.... but you did ... deep down.  Thats life though... we have to be held accountable for all our actions whether we like it or not. 

There is too many things that prove that there is a God and that there is meaning to life... So why dont you want to know about it... dont you want meaning to your life????

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Point of View

It really annoys me when people can't get past seeing you a certain way.... They make up their mind about you and not matter what you do they can't see you any other way!  You can't get rid of your past so how do you change someones mind????  Now I know you have to try prove yourself and show that your different but what if you have and that opinion still hasn't changed.... what do you have to do to change it????

Is it your problem or the other person problem??? Do you give up trying or continue to try change their mind????

My opinion is:  If someone has made up thier mind about you, yes try to prove them wrong but if they are stubborn and continue to see you as your old self instead of your new self, well then thats the other persons problem not yours.  IF they continue to see you badly then give up.  Their is no point in trying to prove something to someone.  But that is my opinion... Whats yours???

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Male/ Female Role

Male and Female ..... Husband and Wife are equal.... one is not high then the other... and one does not have the right to rule the other.... They are best friends, partners, equals!

I do believe though that the man should support and provide for the home. As they say bring home the bacon.  I also believe that a women should stay home with the children for the mere fact that the mother should be the one to raise their children ... Children are influenced very easily and when they are home at least you know what they are being taught and how they are growing up.  You are the one seeing their first words, steps, crawls ect not someone else.  You are the one that can teach them morals and standards not someone else teaching them things you don't agree with.  Now totally understandable if parents can't afford to have both parents stay at home... but if you try and live withine your means and not above it then it is capable for one parent to stay at home.  Again, its understandable for people like me if your a single mother, I have the blessing to stay at home until my little boy is old enough and then I can go work but not everyone has that privilge.

Again..... Man and women are equal.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Child Abuse....

I have no clue how a person could beat there child.  I look at my own son and I could not imagine hurting him... I think that anyone that beats there children is a coward! They are weak gits that she be publically beaten and thrown in jail. 

I don't agree with children through that abuse the system and report false child abuse reports just because they have issues with their parents.... Becuase 1. it gives a bad name to those parents and 2. for those children that are being abused it makes it difficult for them.  Now those children that do that should be grounded for life!

Bottom line.... Parents don't harm your children they are innocent little people and there is better ways of dealing with them.. don't resort to violence! and Children just because you parents are telling you to do chores and grounding you and stuff you shouldn't report them to social services.... you might laugh but it does happen.... and there is a lot of problems that come from that!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Assisted Suicide

Now this is a touchy subject.....

Suicide in general is something that is raging at the moment ... Suicide rates are scary ..

Found this website and cant believe the figures!!! Its frightening..... I know that religion says that if you commit suicide that will go to hell and so one and so forth.... BUT..... reality of the matter is.... You have NO clue what kind of state of mind that person was in. You cannot know what they were thinking or the desperation they were in to go that far.  SO for that reason we cannot judge only God can do that. 

But I will give my opinion on assisted suicide... Its also a nice way of saying commiting a murder. I do not agree with people assisting suicide... It is not your choice or your call to take someones life... even if you try justify it but saying "they wanted me to".... that line is just not going to cut it!  The only person that has the right to give and take life is God and thats the end of the matter.

As I said its a touchy subject so im going to keep it short.


I am totally PRO adpotion.... I think it is great that people are willing to open their arms to these children.  All Children need to have a home where they feel safe, loved and can be a sanctuary for them from the craziness out there.

I know that it might be difficult and some children find it hard to adjust... But as the Lord says.... Love one another.... Just continue to love them be there and pray that hearts will be softened and the Lord will provide a way.

Now... on the giving up children side.... I could never imagine the difficulty that people face giving up a child.  I am in no position to try and figure out why people do... I think that people that give up there children for adoption must have a very good reason for it and it would be a difficult thing to do... So... I dont want to try and get into their frame of mind to try and figure it out.... everyone is entitled to their choices....I am just glad that they have taking this route instead of abortion.... I just hope that when they do give up there children that the child will be blessed into a loving home with parents who treat them will love and kindness!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Controversial topics a day!!!

So found a list of Controversial topics.... So..... From today until I finish the list I'm going to write about each one of them a day.

First one on the list is Abortion!

My feeling on Abortion are... I disagree with it! I think that you are killing a little baby... I know people say "Well... technically its not a baby its a fetus and its not a human being".... you know what I say to that??? THAT"s A LOAD OF CRAP!!!!! When I was pregant with Joey I could see his little heart beat on my first scan and that was when I was 6wks pregnant.... AND F.Y.I if it has a heart beat its living!!! If its living... ITS A BABY!!!!

If you really dont want a baby then there is other options out adoption..... There are plenty of people out there that want children!  If you are old enough to have sex then you are old enough to handle the consequences of sex!!!!

I understand if some has been raped then that is a different story and I dont expect anyone to have a child of a result of a rape... so in those cases i think it is ok.

That is my thought on the matter.