Thursday, January 6, 2011

Assisted Suicide

Now this is a touchy subject.....

Suicide in general is something that is raging at the moment ... Suicide rates are scary ..

Found this website and cant believe the figures!!! Its frightening..... I know that religion says that if you commit suicide that will go to hell and so one and so forth.... BUT..... reality of the matter is.... You have NO clue what kind of state of mind that person was in. You cannot know what they were thinking or the desperation they were in to go that far.  SO for that reason we cannot judge only God can do that. 

But I will give my opinion on assisted suicide... Its also a nice way of saying commiting a murder. I do not agree with people assisting suicide... It is not your choice or your call to take someones life... even if you try justify it but saying "they wanted me to".... that line is just not going to cut it!  The only person that has the right to give and take life is God and thats the end of the matter.

As I said its a touchy subject so im going to keep it short.

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