- An estimated 10 per cent of female college students suffer from a clinical or sub-clinical (borderline) eating disorder, of which over half suffer from bulimia nervosa.
- An estimated 1 in 100 American women binges and purges to lose weight.
- Approximately 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorder.
- 15 per cent of young women have significantly disordered eating attitudes and behavior.
- It is estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 Canadian women aged 13 to 40 have anorexia nervosa and twice as many have bulimia.
- Studies suggest that 5 to 10 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are males.
- An estimated 1 in 3 of all dieters develop compulsive dieting attitudes and behaviors.
Of these, one quarter will develop full or partial eating disorders. - In the UK, nearly 2 in every 100 secondary school girls suffer from anorexia nervosa,
bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. - Due to the incidence of co-occurring medical conditions, it is almost impossible to specify the morbidity rates for eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. However, general estimates suggest that as many as 10-15 per cent of eating disorders are fatal for those affected.
- Each day Americans spend an average of $109 million on dieting and diet related products.
- In a study of children aged 8-10, approximately 50 per cent of girls said they were unhappy with their size.
- In a study of girls aged 9-15, more than 50 per cent claimed they exercised to lose weight, nearly 50 per cent claimed they reduced food intake in order to lose weight, and approximately 5 per cent claimed to use their parents' diet pills or laxatives in order to lose weight.
Anorexia is supposedly because that person does not want to get fat or loose control of there eating habits.....Yes we must all be health consience but dont take it to the extreme of these PRO ANA people were they incourage one another to eat as little as possible like an apple a day and then scould themselves for eating anything more then that.... I have seen pictures of these poor girls and I know they have a mental problem and think they look beautiful but they literally look like walking skeletons I feel so sorry for them and all I want to do is give them a hug and say "Hey dont do this to yourself your killing youself slowly and your worth more then this".
For binge eaters..... Heck I binge eat every now and then because Im a chocoholic but I eat healthy too and exercise is important to to keep balanced and so you dont get over weight but remember keep it down!! When you binge eat so much food and then get sick do you know how bad it is on your stomach ... its like streching a rubber band and then releasing is over and over again and soon that rubber band will snap and break and that is what is happening to your stomach... ITS NOT GOOD!!!
I think the huge contributer of eating disorders are these celebrities who get super skinney and magazines who have skinney chicks on the front cover.... It is saying to young girls "This is what you have to look like for you to be hot and sexy" "This is what you have to look like for guys to like you" I say Bull!!! HAlf those chicks are air brushed.... have you heard of Photo Shop... HELLO!! It is scary to see how young girls are now that have eating disorders... as early as 8.... like hello these girls are still kids they shouldnt be worried about there weight they should be having fun with there friends in the park and stuff like that. Little girls dont worry about your weight you are still young and your body has not developed properly.
I also saw these t.v series where these people fed there loved ones so they would get fat.. I term they used to call them were FEEDERS... Have you noticed that most of those feeders are skinney people!!! If they love fat people so much why dont they risk there health and become fat themselves?!?!?!
The key is... Eat healthy, Exercise and be happy with your body.....
I know easier said then done!