Friday, December 31, 2010

Contravercial Topic!!!

The contravercial topic that I'm going to talk about is "Partners" vs Marriage

Families have changed in the last several decades. Instead of getting married, many people are living together or 'cohabiting'. Some of these cohabitating couples eventually get married. Many of them break up. Very few stay together as cohabitants for long.
Is cohabitation a good alternative to marriage? Is it a good way to 'test out' the relationship? Many researchers have looked into these questions. In her book Marriage-Lite Patricia Morgan reviews the research into the results of cohabitation, compared with marriage, and finds that marriage is much more than 'just a piece of paper'. Marriage fundamentally changes the nature of a relationship, leading to many striking differences.

to read more look at the website below....

So read this today and it really makes you think!!! Why do people even want to just have "partners" why don't people want to marry anymore???

People now a days have such a phobia of marriage... i just dont get it.... this is my take on things.

People want to go along with the crowd they want to follow what  everyone else is doing... So The World say "Why get married?? Whats the point???" You look at the statistics...Why do you want to go through that!  It is obvious that people work harder to be with one another when they are married... its a reason to fight for your relationship and your family... I think people don't want to get married because its an easy way out if things don't work out!

When you have children though why would you want to put your children through the chaos!!! I think that marriage bind you together and children want to feel that security and safety! They want to know that the parents will be there through everything.  How can you promise them that security when you are not fully into the relatioship yourself... If you have a mind set that the relationship will not last... well then it wont last!!! When you think of it if you have no problem committing to that person forever and want to spend the rest of your life with them then whats the matter about getting married...I'll tell you... It's because your not convinced that thats the person you want to be with!  Also if the reason you don't want to get married is because you more benefits when your not married.. just think about this... The world is going downt the crapper... Benefits are goign to be cut anyway you dont need to get married for that to happen!!!

Now I know what your thinking... all this coming from the single mother and yes Im one of the statistics saying that people just being together with a child don't last.... but you know what that doesnt mean that I dont want to get married someday and give my child that feeling of security. I'm not saying that all of them end because I know some people that lived together for very long periods of time, had children and have gotten married..... BUT how do you know that your the very small %age that stays together??? how do you know that you will last??? can you promise you chilren that you will be together forever???  Just think about it for a second..... Why am I so against marriage???? is there really a reason for us not to??? Do I really want to be with this person and is that why I dont want to get married????

Again.... Everyone is different..... but as I said after I read this... It just makes you think.... Which is better??? Why???

Monday, December 6, 2010


I wonder have the victims of gossip, gossiped themselves??? My answer... YES.... everyone gossips in some way or another.... I'm not saying its right, its just a fact! Problem is gossip gets messy and people say some really hurtful things when they think no-one will find out... but people always find out whats been said about them through gossip!  ITs a messy cycle! Did you know that 55% of men gossip and 65% of women gossip... I regretably admit that I have been in that 65%... BUT I have learnt my lesson and trying not to be apart of that statistic... I have seen how gossip can hurt and turn people very anger... I have been one of those people hurt by gossip so I know first hand.

I have also realised that people critisize others very quickly.... NO body is perfect... so what gives a person the right to critisize??? It unfortunetly turns people away from the church and sometimes those people never come back.... I think it is happening way to much... I like how Elder Bednar said that he would prefer if the chapel smelt more of cigerettes because at least those people are coming to church... But I find that instead of embracing people coming back to church people tend to speculate why they havnt been there in the first place... The Lord is the only one that has the right to judge anyone so lets leave that to him and just be friends with everyone!

As I said Im not perfect... but I think everyone needs to realise what they are saying.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stupid System!!!

So..... had a crazy day, it mostly consisted of sitting in que's (lines for the americans) waiting to book my driving learners test!

(1) line to get a form
(2) line to get eyes tested
(3) line to get my form in, my testing date and get a receipt
(4) line to pay

It took me 4hrs to get this done!!! It was mental!!! I have never been in so many que's just to get one thing! I not only had so many lines to wait in my I also had a very annoying young girl sitting next to me making these vulgar noises in the back of her throat... it sounded like she was going to spit out a loogey! It was nasty!

I really hate haing days were you have something great and then something sucky all in the same day! Its like... I'm soooo happy.... then its like ahhhh i wanna scream.... can I not go through one day and say... you know what this was an amazing day. Not I had amazing moments today!  I guess that is just life! As I said in my last blog I guess you can't have your cake and eat it!

I really wish that I could just put all my loved ones, family and friends in one country and not have to miss them all so much. I could just hop in a car and visit whoever I felt like... but I guess.. I live in the real world and I can't have everything that I want!

Monday, November 29, 2010

It Has Begun

I have joined this new trend of the bloggin world to let people know how Joey and I are doing.  I don't know exactly what I am doing, or what to write so I will probably sound like an idiot at first, just until I get use to this... Maybe a should pretend like I'm talking to myself.... then that would make me just sound crazy, so forget that!

These past weeks have been insane. Joey is getting smarter and smarter by the hour.. He is learning how to do things quickly and he is a very happy little boy!  I love him very much! Motherhood can be tuff sometimes and you start getting used to being tired all the time, but when they do cute little things and do something new, its all worth it in the end! You also realise how funny children are... some of the stuff Joey does you just have to laugh!

I still cant believe how quickly this year has gone!!! Its nearly Christmas for crying out loud!!! Like seriously..... how did that happen!!! The year literally just went WHOOSH... GONE! So if the world does actually end in 2012 we then have a year to get our act together!! we better get our heads out our butts and get a move on!! lol....

Talking of end of the world.... watching t.v about these wikileaks ..... SOmeone compared them to celebrity juicy gossip that will be forgotten.... except its not celebrities its politicians.... and its not juicy gossip its dangerous info that could put a lot of lives in danger... and wont be forgotten because it could start wars because of the "he said" "she said" in these documents.... I dont think people really think things through and think about the consequences of there actions.

Talking about thinking things through... I get really annoyed how people say one thing and is always going on and on about things and then when its time to step up and do something about it... they chicken out and say theres "NO POINT".... and when you look at it, its because some people are just self centred... "YOU CANT HAVE THE CAKE AND EAT IT". 

<3 Peace xoxox