Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Self evaluate!

It is amazing how when you go to COnference the inspiration you get every time you go... you might here the same sort of message but you always get something new from it all the time... The biggest thing that I came from it was self evaluation and looking at what type of person you are.  One of them said "We have to do lists, but we never seem to have to be lists!"  I totally like that .. A TO BE LIST.....

Maybe we should all look close and ourselves and make to be lists to try and better ourselves!!

I really think that the person i am is 100% better then who I was! You know that its not good when you look back and say "I hope my son never sees me the way I used to be!" I am glad that everyone can change no matter what! Everyone can do it if they want it bad enough!! Your not going to change if you have one foot in the door of your past.... It is sometimes hard to get rid of your past..... IT ALWAYS seems to pop up! BUT as long as it just stays in the past and you dont have a relaps and go back to that way of life well then you will be ok and get through this!

Self Evaluate.... Take a look at the person in the mirror and ask yourself...... Do I like the person I see???

There is no point in lying becoz at the end of the day the only person your fooling is yourself!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think my ultra ego is Psychotic

Everything is fine.... happy as can be.  Smiling, being nice and just having a lovely day.......

*pushing buttons, being nasty, continuely jumping down my thoat*


#$%& OFF...... want to scream and punch someone in the face

*breath & calm down*

Lets try this again......

Smiling .... trying to be nice..... having an ok day

*push.... push ...... blah blah blah...... snap*

Really do you want me to scream and swear and carry on bcoz your making me feel really Pi$$ed off right now!!!!

*calm breath*    *a person can only take so much*   * push them to far and you never know what might happen*   *Everyone has limits*    *don't push those limits*    

Moral of the story........... Don't push someone to the edge and expect them to react calm and collect..... Expect the same attitude your given......... Maybe they will surprise you and try to kepp there cool but they can only take so much ..... when you push the boundries... well..... then maybe the psychotic ultra ego will come out and it wont be so pretty!